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January 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2023 Meeting Called to Order: 6:04 pm

Board Members Present: Eugene Jensen, Allie Jensen, Holly Gisler, Kim Hutton, Ryan
Hutton, Brianne Chaussee, Oscar Marin, Kayla Holmes, Korrie Gravelle, Kelsie Morse

Open Forum:
District 2 explanation of 50/70. Teams will play games on Tuesday or Wednesday nights
and have double headers on Saturday or Sunday. Teams will play 8 to 10 regular season
11- and 12-year-olds signed up for majors can play both majors and 50/70. Player has
paid the insurance and charter cost through the major's registration so to also play 50/70
they will only need to pay additional fee for equipment costs. Majors All-Stars tournament
plays before the 50/70 All-Stars tournament, so these players have the opportunity to play
All-Stars at two levels for one season.
50/70 regular season starts late April early May.

President’s Report
1. District 2 voted on earlier game times for minor and major levels. The vote was
passed changing minor level game times to 5:30pm and major level to 7:30pm.
2. Last year District 2 had nine 50/70 teams.
3. Leagues that do not have enough players for full juniors or 50/70 teams can
combine to form teams. These players will still be eligible for All-Stars. Registration
fees should go to the league that will be managing the team. Flyer will be drafted
with 50/70 information.
4. Umpire clinic will be March 8th-10th at Sutter High School. $500 per league and
each league can send as many people as they want. Flyer should be drafted for
umpire clinic and handed out at the upcoming evaluations.
5. Half of the leagues have turned in ASAP plans. Plans are due by mid-February.
Safety Officer to update NYLL ASAP plan and send it to District 2.

6. T-Mobile grants pay $150 per child. The debit card may come after the season
starts depending on when the request was placed. Upon request and approval
card usually comes within one week.
7. District 2 was shown an example of NYLL membership card. They would like a
hard copy.
8. Membership QR code should be hung on the snack shack. Discussed adding
something to cards to signify finger printed members.
9. All leagues must turn in all teams to District 2 on February 13th. Schedules will be
out two weeks after this date.

Treasurer’s Report
Current balance (as of 12/31) $30,076.86
The treasurer's reports will reflect changes from the first day to the last day of the previous
The last payment for PG&E was slightly higher than normal due to the change in billing.
NYLL made a request to receive bills via paper mail instead of online. Last payment was
for 1 1⁄2 months.
$200 expense for regular season uniform patches.
$2,784.38 expense for field maintenance, repairs, and equipment.

Player Agent Report
121 players currently registered
Baseball: Tball=18 Minors=26 50/70=5
Farm=44 Majors=9 Juniors=4
Softball: Minors=8 Majors=7 Juniors=0
We have 7 players on the T-Mobile waiting list that are not fully registered. We have a
potential for an additional 43 players that have begun the online registration process but
have not completed it.

Coach Coordinator Report
Baseball: Tball=2 Minors=3 50/70=1
Farm=5 Majors=1 Juniors=1
Softball: Minors=2 Majors=1 Juniors=0

New Business:
1. Field Maintenance
Tball field chain link fence repairs are finished. The bid was for $1535 but the actual bill
has not been received.
Due to power pole replacement being a larger cost of $4250 request for different line item
outside of maintenance budget made.
For drain at juniors' field NYLL is receiving donation of rock and concrete leaving the cost
of pipe. The pipe cost will be around $2000.
Motion to approve 3 new line items, power pole replacement, tball field fence repairs and
juniors' field drainpipe-moved, 2nd in pass->motion carries.
Next steps for the juniors' field will be to dig the drain and put in a new water line, running
electric from the juniors' field to softball field.
Juniors field dugout casts start February 6th, these will take 3-4 days to complete. Dugout
work at field to start March 1st. County will have to come out for permitting.
2. Evaluations
Currently have one baseball coach confirmed to run evaluations for minors and majors'
baseball and three softball coaches to run softball evaluations.
In case of rain before evaluations we can move to tball and juniors' field if majors' field is
3. 50/70
Discussed players signed up for both majors and 50/70 will be required to fulfill snack
shack volunteer time for both teams.
Players signed up for majors that also want to play 50/70 will need to pay an additional
Motion to approve majors' players paying an additional $70 to also play 50/70-moved, 2nd
in pass->motion carries.

Round Table:
Players paying via check will need to pay at time of evaluations.
Payment plans need to have a contract and be set up in the square. Request check for
payment if possible, to decrease fee costs.

Raffle tickets will be ordered in 1-2 weeks so they can be distributed at opening
ceremonies. Raffle prizes this year are JBL speaker, Chimenea, paddle board and Echo
Discussed looking into doing a Krispy Kreme fundraiser. This would not be a mandatory
fundraiser. More details to be gathered.
Sponsorships will not have a renewal option. Make sure to let your sponsor know the
checks can be picked up. Sponsorship spreadsheet will be sent to NYLL email and give
everyone edit access.
Discussed naming the juniors field the Clark Pacific Field and hanging plaque on backstop
for their dugout donation. Metal plaque to be acquired.
Design for the new sign on the front gate is currently being created.
Supreme Athletics is making uniforms and hats. They will do last-minute printing for late
registered players instead of printing bulk extras for unknown numbers.
The photographer has been confirmed but has requested a blackout date. Will reach out
to photographer for dates.
Possible blackout date for dinner=May 3rd
Discussed open board meetings and advertising date and times on the Facebook page
as well as the NYLL website. Meeting minutes will also be posted on Facebook and
Discussed doing membership drive. Drive to be advertised before evaluations and QR
code will be at signup table at evaluations. QR code will be put on the Facebook page
and website as well.
Safety Officer will be at evaluations with laptop to initiate background checks. Vouchers
for fingerprinting will be handed out at evaluations.
-Motion to adjourn meeting-moved, 2nd in pass->motion carries.

Next Meeting: February 18th @ 6pm Meeting Adjourned: 7:36 pm

Local Sponsors

North Yuba Little League

9481 Browns Valley School Rd, PO Box 585
Browns Valley, California 95918

Email: [email protected]

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